Educational Aquariums

/Educational Aquariums

Underneath The Surface; Exploration Of Our Oceans

August 18th, 2017|Educational Aquariums, Recent News|

It is truly staggering to think that as little as 5% of the world’s oceans have been explored.  It appears that the exploration of space is more popular than that of our great oceans.  Since 1969 we have sent 12 people to the moon, a whopping 400,000 kilometres away, however only three people have descended [...]

‘Wow!’ Learning

August 11th, 2017|Educational Aquariums, Recent News|

I have two little girls, I know that I have impressed them with an object or experience if the word ‘wow’ rolls from their tongue.  We have all experienced ‘wow’ moments, a beautiful sunset, a flavoursome dish, a shooting star.  For many of us, we can remember those ‘wow’ moments, as according to Dr Christine [...]

Museum Learning in Schools

August 11th, 2017|Educational Aquariums, Recent News|

A school in Nottingham have come up with a wonderful idea to get the children’s creative juices flowing.  Nottingham University Samworth Academy have created a wonder space, set within the school, curated by Dr Mathew McFall.  This designated space in filled with an eclectic mix of objects from an inner ear of a whale to [...]

Jellyfish… 5oo Million Years and Counting

August 4th, 2017|Educational Aquariums, Recent News|

It is truly amazing to think that jellyfish have been roaming our oceans between 500 and 700 million years, a time known as the Cambrian period.  This makes them three times as old as the first dinosaur, yet they are still roaming the earth today! In 2007, a group of scientists discovered some beautifully preserved [...]

Great Britain’s Long-Lost City of the Sea

August 4th, 2017|Educational Aquariums, Recent News|

When we think of cities lost to the sea, the great mythical city of Atlantis springs to mind.  There is much debate from some philologists and classicists that believe the fiction behind the great city.  However, historians, maritime archaeologists and scientists believe it to of been a real, inhabited city that fell into the ocean [...]

To wee, or not to wee? That is the question

July 28th, 2017|Educational Aquariums, Recent News|

Now this something that offers much confusion in how to treat the effects of a jellyfish sting.  If listening to the old wives’ tales, one would be advised to urinate on the affected area, or if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, get somebody else to do so. Thankfully, the treatment is much simpler and more dignified.  [...]

Rock Pools, Our Treasures of The Coastline

July 24th, 2017|Educational Aquariums|

The oceans are a bit like giant washing machines, spinning and tumbling billions of objects around, to then fall on the sea bed or be washed up on our shorelines. Some of these objects have travelled thousands of miles, while others have been waiting to be discovered for hundreds, thousands or sometimes millions of years.  [...]

‘20,000 Leagues Under the Sea’

July 12th, 2017|Educational Aquariums, Recent News|

Many of us will remember this classic science fiction novel from the 1870’s that is still read in schools today.  It takes the reader into a journey of the unknown, the thrill of adventure and the life of the enigmatic Captain Nemo. Although this book was released more than 140 years ago and appeared ahead [...]

Not Just A Pretty Face – How The Beauty And Wonder Of An Aquarium Can Stimulate Creative Writing

June 29th, 2017|Educational Aquariums|

As the saying goes ‘A blue mind is a creative mind.’  It has long been known that being by water or immersed in water has a calming effect on our bodies.  It helps us to relax, re-energise, improve our mental wellbeing and sleep quality too. However, looking out onto water, whether that be a lake, [...]

Sacred Hearts School Column Aquarium

August 26th, 2016|Column Aquariums, Educational Aquariums, Recent News|

Column aquariums are a truly unique tank design. With the ability to completely transform the entire atmosphere of a room, they are becoming an increasingly popular option for aquarium rentals in offices, foyers and waiting rooms. But that’s not where the benefits of this type of aquarium end. The incredible appeal of aquariums has broadened [...]

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